Labour for County Durham

In May 2025, people in County Durham will decide: Support, investment and growth with Labour or continued chaos, decline and rising poverty under the Coalition running the County Council.

The Tory-led Coalition – an alliance of Conservative, LibDem and Independent, North East Party and Green councillors – have failed County Durham, and that must end in May.

In one of the most important local elections in generations, every vote will counts, but be assured that only Labour will address spiralling Council Tax, crumbling schools, ailing social care and our county’s incapacitating housing shortage.

For a safe County Durham, a healthier County Durham, a more successful and prosperous County Durham and a happier County Labour.

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The Challenge ahead

In 2025, a vote for anyone other than Labour is a vote for the Tories.

For over three years, the Liberal Democrats, Independents, Greens, Durham Party and Derwentside Independents have underpinned, supported and promoted Tory policy. What we have seen in County Durham since 2021 is a reflection of what has happened nationally – a failed Tory-led authority that has repeatedly let down the people it was elected to serve. However, we can address that. Just like in the general election, we can vote for change and rid County Durham of these self-serving, regressive councillors who were elected to represent their communities but became just another faction of as greedy, failing Tory party.

Vote Labour to finally end the Tory austerity purge means that the future of County Durham’s economy hangs in the balance.

  • Only Labour can ensure the county thrives.
  • Only Labour can deliver job security for hard-working people.
  • Only Labour can protect public services, slashed in the Tories’ austerity drive.
  • Only Labour can attract investment while supporting homegrown innovators creating jobs and prosperity.

Follow County Durham Labour across Twitter and Facebook to follow all that is going on and help County Durham maximise its potential.

Labour Councillors

Your Labour Councillors in County Durham.

Constituency Labour Parties

Your Constituency Parties in County Durham.

Please add your name to our petition to the Government.

It’s time for a fair funding deal for County Durham.

Since 2010, Government cuts have been far greater in the north than the south, year after year. The scale of these cuts threatens services across County Durham. I call on the government to change its policies and provide a fair funding deal for County Durham.

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